School Courses Students Highlights SGQ/EQUIPMENT Qualification Erasmus+ Projects
CEF courses

Administrative assistant

Duration 1200h (1 academic year)
Schedule Labor
Beginning 01 Jan 2021

The Administrative Assistant is a qualified professional who performs administrative tasks related to the functioning of organizations, in accordance with previously established standards.

The CEF Type 3 Administrative Assistant Course provides double certification:

- 3rd cycle of basic education (9th year);

- EU Level 2 Professional Certification


CEFs encourage you to continue your studies/training and allow you to acquire professional skills, through flexible solutions, according to your interests and the needs of the local job market.

CEF are training paths organized in a sequence of training stages, depending on your access qualifications and the duration of the training.

Regardless of the type, all CEFs integrate four training components:

- Sociocultural;

- Scientific;

- Technological;

- Practice (Training in a Work Context)


Our CEF Course may be suitable for you if you meet the following conditions:

  • age equal to or over 15 years old and under 18 years old, at the beginning of the school year (or 18 years old, if, at the end of the previous school year, you have moved to the 9th year);
  • educational qualifications: 8th grade or 9th grade, without approval;
  • lack of professional certification or interest in obtaining a professional certification at a higher level than the one you already have.
And after EPSM?

The Administrative Assistant collaborates in the execution of administrative tasks related to the operation of the company/institution in which he works, following established procedures.

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