Since 1990, the Professional School of Salvaterra de Magos has been preparing young people for the world of work. Assuming as its mission to contribute to the socioeconomic development of this region through the training of highly qualified intermediate technical staff, EPSM, after consulting the businessmen of its region of influence - Salvaterra de Magos, Benavente, Coruche and Almeirim - established cooperation protocols with several companies, municipalities and local institutions, at the most diverse levels, creating a work platform and mutual assistance essential to its growth. Reasons that allowed this educational institution to cultivate an excellent relationship with the business world and strengthen its sustained development.
The educational philosophy of the Professional School of Salvaterra de Magos is based on local, regional, national and international realities, seeking to be an active and dynamic agent within the business fabric and working in close partnership with all economic agents, local authorities and living forces of the region.