School Courses Students Highlights SGQ/EQUIPMENT Qualification Erasmus+ Projects


Teaching and Vocational Training Modalities


Decree-Law No. 396/2007, of December 31 – Adopts the Legal Regime of the National Qualifications System

Ordinance No. 66/2022, of 1 February – Regulates the Modular Certified Trainings provided for in subparagraph f) of paragraph 1 of article 9 of Decree-Law No. 396/2007, of 31 December.

Ordinance No. 230/2008, of March 7 – Defines the legal regime for adult education and training courses (EFA courses) and Modular Training provided for in Decree-Law No. 396/2007

Ordinance No. 232/2016, of 28 August – Regulates the creation and operating regime of Qualifica Centers.

Ordinance No. 61/2022, of 31 January – Regulates the recognition, validation and certification of skills under the Qualifica Program.

Ordinance No. 235-A/2018, of August 23 – Regulates Professional Courses.

Ordinance No. 74-A/2013, of February 15 – Establishes the rules for the organization, operation, evaluation and certification of professional courses taught in public, private and cooperative education establishments, which offer secondary education, and in professional schools .

Decree-Law nº 92/2014, of June 20 – Establishes the legal regime for the creation, organization and operation of private and public professional schools

Decree-Law nº 139/2012, of 5 July – Organization and management of curricula, assessment, knowledge and skills to be acquired and developed by students in primary and secondary education.

Law nº 51/2012, of 5 September – Approves the Student Statute and School Ethics, which establishes the rights and duties of primary and secondary school students and the commitment of parents or guardians and other members of the educational community in their education and training, revoking Law nº 30/2002, of 20 December.

ESF funding

Decree-Law nº 137/2014 – Establishes the governance model of the European Structural and Investment Funds for the period 2014-2020

Decree-Law nº 159/2014 – Establishes the general rules for the application of operational programs and rural development programs financed by European Structural and Investment Funds, for the 2014-2020 programming period

Ordinance No. 60-A/2015, of 2 March – Adopts the Regulation Establishing Common Rules on the European Social Fund

Ordinance No. 60-C/2015, of March 2nd – Adopts the Specific Regulation for the Domain of Human Capital

Ordinance No. 97-A/2015, of 30 March – Adopts the Specific Regulation in the field of Social Inclusion and Employment

Regulation (EU) 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 20 May – Creates Erasmus+: The Union Program for education and training, youth and sport, and which repeals Regulation (EU) No. 1288/ 2013